Sheila is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland and has been involved with the autoclaving technology since 2009 when the first commercial scale facility was built in Ireland. She has since earned her master’s degree in Environmental Management from Queen’s University Belfast and a certificate in Marketing Strategy from Cornell University. Over the course of her career, she worked as a Quality and Environmental Manager in the metal finishing services which included galvanizing and powder coating. She also worked as a Lab Quality Officer offering analytical services for compliance analysis for soils, discharge waters and waste classification. In these industries she gained experience in internal auditing and working to UKAS, ISO and OHSAS standards.
Her current role is developing, maintaining, and executing an ongoing strategic communication plan. Working closely with the team on sales and business development, she helps manage current projects and is the grant project manager for both Hughes and Wilson’s R&D team, while serving as the company liaison between HEG and WBC.
Sheila Hughes McStravick
Sheila Hughes McStravick
Director of Marketing
Sheila is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland and has been involved with the autoclaving technology since 2009 when the first commercial scale facility was built in Ireland. She has since earned her master’s degree in Environmental Management from Queen’s University Belfast and a certificate in Marketing Strategy from Cornell University. Over the course of her career, she worked as a Quality and Environmental Manager in the metal finishing services which included galvanizing and powder coating. She also worked as a Lab Quality Officer offering analytical services for compliance analysis for soils, discharge waters and waste classification. In these industries she gained experience in internal auditing and working to UKAS, ISO and OHSAS standards.
Her current role is developing, maintaining, and executing an ongoing strategic communication plan. Working closely with the team on sales and business development, she helps manage current projects and is the grant project manager for both Hughes and Wilson’s R&D team, while serving as the company liaison between HEG and WBC.